20th Birthday in Japan...and someone in Japan speaks English
No ya it's not very cold here at all. The snow was an event. Like we took the pictures because it was so hype and rare that it was snowing. Beautiful planet. It is pretty much permanently fall weather here.
For my bday Sis Dobbs wanted to take me out to this delicious indo curry place which was literally SO GOOD for lunch. So we did our finding for the day over in Shizu, which is where the curry place is. It was a great time. We were just walking along and we saw this random small appartment building (it had like 4 doors on the bottom and then upstairs there were another 4 doors) and I was like hey should we go house those and we like yes! So then we did. (I'm a great story teller.) Somebody answered one of the doors and he was living w a bunch of friends from university back home in Thailand! Crazy! They had come to Japan to work! It was awesome though! They were so friendly and totally interested, one had even been researching Christ on the internet. He had grown up in a buddhist home but wanted to know more about Christ. What a miracle. We wanted to give him a BoM or a pamphlet or something but we only had Japanese and he just reads Thai, so this week we'll be getting some Thai things before we go back for the next appt. Unfortunately we aren't allowed to teach males in my mission though, so we'll have to let the elders in our ward teach them, but I look foreward to seeing them at church!
Then we went out for the delicious indo curry which I will send a picture of. Also we had a YW activity tthat day which was AWESOME! So tender there was a bday cake for one of the YW there but also pretended to dedicate it to me so that's tender. And the relief society sang japanese happy birthday to me yesterday and gave me these cute yummy chocolates. It was amazing. SO CUTE! I'm actually obsessed. How are they so kind?
We also had Zone Blitz this weel which was cOooOOol. The sis I was on exchanges with started speaking in Japanese to this girl who looked a little lost and then the girl asked us IF WE SPEAK ENGLISH. That was a first hahah. It was actually hilarious I was very thrown off by it. She was from Bhutan and was looking for the train station, we were able to help her find it and tell her a little bit about what we do as missionaries. It was super sweet, amd I think she's meeting with the misisonaries again this week. Awe what a cute soul she was.
Oh my goodness this week is going to be amazing!! I'm so excited! My dear Kaori's baptism is on Sunday!! She is literally the kindest sweetest most loving human, and our ward loves her so much too. She is 100 percent part of the family. This ward is just so loving! I am so excited for her baptism it's going to be so special. The YW and primary kids are singing which will be adorable. On Thursday we had a bit of a movie night where we watched the Restoration video with Kaori and another cute investigator, and afterwards we got to have a group lesson on the Restoration and Kaori was just telling this other younger teenager about how she feels the Spirit and it was just so special. That made me so excited for her and so happy that we all get to exist together right now. Honestly we're all just a family here and it's the best.
There's this one girl in our young womens that just has a special place in my heart, and everytime I get to pray for her before visiting her I just feel so privileged to be the one to get to do so right now. I want / need to feel that way about everyone, so I've still got a lot of improving to do. This is God's work, but I get to be a part of it in this particular part / way right now. It's so amazing. We're all just a big family and it's the best!
Realizing this also makes me love you all so much. You all are literally the cutest best examples to me fam. I love you all so much. Dangit you're just so amazing.
This week is going to be my last full week of transfer one out here in the field so that's wild!
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